>  From: Ashish Sheth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: [twincling] Re: TSM - PERL Programming Language - Sat - 25th 
> November - 5pm at CommVault
>  Sent: 23 Nov '06 15:42
>  Hello,
>  I want to know why Perl is so much popular for system administratio.
>  what features and packages should I learn for the same ?
>  cheers
>  Ashish.

Hello Ashish:

System administration involves automation of repetitive tasks.
Shell is the rudimentary interface used in most cases.
PERL being a full fledged language makes it easy to write 
scripts which can run uniformly on most *NIX, *BSD and Linux systems.

Two areas where PERL really shines as you use it for progressively
involved tasks are -

    perl built-in functions are very powerful and well supported by operators.

    A very good summary is available at

    Regular expressions, commonly known as "RegEx" are a set of key 
    (basically it is a string) that describes or matches a set of strings, 
    to certain syntax rules.

    This is very useful for pattern matching, logs analysis (/var/log) for 
various applications.

    A good overview is available at

You would be happy to know that there is a complete book 
'PERL for System Administration'
by David N. Blank Edelman.

The book is available at http://www.unix.org.ua/orelly/perl/sysadmin/

There is a good amount of discussion on the type of scripts that need to be 
and also some packages.

To keep up with the latest packages and developments, 
please take a look at http://www.perl.com/

Hope this gets you started.


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