On 3 October 2017 at 00:09, Glyph <gl...@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:


> I remember there was a PB based channel for communicating with Trac
> but I can't find where it is defined.
> I see that kenan is using something [1] BOT_PORT = 15243, I can't find
> where a service with that port is started.
> The PB interface is unmaintained and pretty much only still exists for IRC
> notifications (if I remember correctly); the process binding that port is
> Kenaan (the IRC bot).
> https://trac-hacks.org/wiki/XmlRpcPlugin is now a bit of a misnomer as it
> also supports JSON-RPC as well.  We should probably just check that the
> plugin is upgraded and use that.
> -glyph

Thanks for the info.
With XML/JSON RPC I should be able to get something.


I have updated the github bot for my project to do GitHub label management.
I am using a slightly different Trac process than Twisted.

As a proof of concept, I can set the bot to be used for
twisted-infra/braid as for Braid we don't need to sync with Trac.

We can use it to get a hands-on experience on the label management
part, and once we agree on how it should behave,  I can look at
deploying a dedicated bot for Twisted and then update it to sync with

What do you think?

PS: I am not deploying it into Twisted infra now as for me
twisted-infra/braid and vagrant vm is broken... working on fixing it
Adi Roiban

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