I've tried your script on Mac, it only works for first 3 pages that's
weird (i'm running darwin ports for xml functions)...
Anyway, tried manually do it through firefox, latest page is 16.
That's the limit. But if you have the ID of the previous tweets you
could use statuses/SHOW for that ID... the problem is:

IF you are backing up your account because you have all your tweet
IDs, you will need 1 request per tweet, and maximum is 350 (with HUGE
luck) per hour.... In my case, I got 10k, 3k via REST and 7k left to

Come on twitter, help us, developers, start thingking on backups, we
know you are gonna explode!.

On 22 jun, 18:51, Kai Hendry <kai.hen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I wrote a twitterbackupscript for shell geeks like myself. I would
> appreciate review and any constructive 
> comments:http://twitter.natalian.org/hgweb.cgi/file/tip/fetch-tweets.sh
> Where can I findhttp://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.xml
> onhttp://dev.twitter.com/statusbtw?
> Many thanks from a warm summer's night in England,

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