[twitter-dev] Streaming API tweets delayed by ~20 minutes

2010-01-13 Thread jonat...@scribblelive
I'm using the streaming API /track function. The tweets coming in right now are delayed about 20 minutes (i.e. if I go to the tweet permalink the moment I get a tweet, it says "22 minutes ago", etc). Is this an effect of "Track Limiting" (http://apiwiki.twitter.com/ Streaming-API-Documentation#Trac

[twitter-dev] Re: Platform downtime is expected

2009-08-17 Thread jonat...@scribblelive
The Twitter OAuth login is working about 50% of the time for us. Sometimes we get failures making the initial request for a token. If that works, and the user gets to the Decline/Accept screen, when they click "Accept" the connection often times out before they get a response.

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Update, 8/9 10am PST

2009-08-09 Thread jonat...@scribblelive
1. I'm finding that OAuth breaks for periods, then works for periods (not 1/6 requests, more like works 6 times, then breaks 6 times). When it doesn't work in Safari, if I dump my twitter.com cookies it usually works the next try.

[twitter-dev] Re: twitter api server seems to be down (getting invalid signature) since 5.15 pm pst

2009-07-30 Thread jonat...@scribblelive
I may be the only one to be this stupid, but when I looked at my POST request functions, I was appending some parameters like "Source", etc. that were common to all requests. But since they weren't there when the signature was generated, we were getting 401 errors as of 7/27. Removing those fixed