
I would like to have a stream of geo-located tweets filtered against
pre-defined keywords.

As stated in the documentation:

"Bounding boxes are logical ORs. A locations parameter may be combined
with track parameters, but note that all terms are logically ORd, so
the query string track=twitter&locations=-122.75,36.8,-121.75,37.8
would match any tweets containing the term Twitter (even non-geo
tweets) OR coming from the San Francisco area"

Any idea how to have logical ANDs?

I found two ways:

1. filter with the locations parameter and then select only those
tweets containing the keywords. Unfortunately with this I will miss a
lot of tweets

2. filter with the track parameter and then find the tweet geolocation
with Yahoo! Placemaker for non-geo tweets. In this case I will have
mostly imprecise locations and a slower service (yahoo! placemaker is
slower than a twitter stream)

Any idea?


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