Hi all,

    As part of a recent Google Code issue [1] I found out there is an
encoding bug in the current server-side version of the OAuth gem we're
using which prevents posting statuses that contain accented
characters. To fix this I'll need to upgrade the server-side gem.
While this should have no effect on anyone it is something you need to
know about since your code may have the same issue ours does.

    If you're using an OAuth Ruby gem before version 0.3.0 the
signatures created are not handling accented characters correctly. I
recommend upgrading at your earliest convenience so when our upgrade
is deployed you can take advantage of the feature without delay.
Version prior to 0.3.0 will continue to work but accented characters
will result in an error saying the signature is invalid.

  — Matt Sanford / @mzsanford

[1] - http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=433

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