Sounds like twitter may have implemented a checker for that DoS
attacked. Something like, if the server gets hit by the same IP after
500 continuous call within 3 minutes... it will return null for the
next 10 mins? I'm just guessing here.


On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 5:34 AM,<> wrote:
> I have checked the twitter forum and this bug is not present.
> My problem is a bug/problem.
> I run a twitter follower counter on my account- @mrlandmark. This
> service sends a tweet out when a follower gets so many followers
> themselves. However since july 23rd when you did some updates i have
> bee having this particular problem. The problem is that, with the api
> calls, i get 100 followers on each page. It only recovers to page 101.
> After that it comes up blank. This can be mirrored when you check my
> twitter page on the web-
> (ok, good)
> (empty, no user)
> This only started happening on july 23rd, it is not to do with the
> changes in followers numbers, i have over 19k followers so i should be
> getting 193 pages when api calling. Before this update i was getting
> all the pages with no problems. Can you gove me advice to fix this or
> as i suspect this is a problem on your end? I have search google and
> many other people have this same problem.
> This is particularly important to me because my service relies on
> checking my followers every hour to make updates. With it stuck at
> page 101, it means that the people who followed me first will have no
> use for my service as i cannot check it.
> Thanks in advance!

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