You don't need to set a callback url. The only information that Twitter
passes to a callback url is the oauth_token and whatever other information
you decided to add. Once the user approves on Twitter you can have them
click a continue button and the widget can trade the request token for an
access token behind the scenes.

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 05:22, Nial <> wrote:

> I'm working on a Twitter dashboard widget for Mac OS X (http://
> that's currently chugging along in private beta.
> However, I've recently noticed that the OAuth beta is no longer
> private and feel it'd be a wise move to integrate it into my app
> before going public.
> I'm pretty sure I've got an alright understanding of how OAuth works,
> but I'm slightly concerned over usability and implementation.
> Specifically, from the widget perspective, it's fairly easy to force
> Safari to open and direct the user to the Twitter authorize_url. From
> there, however, I'm not sure how to handle the situation of a callback
> url to grab a valid AccessToken.
> Pownce for the iPhone handles this by setting a callback URL to a
> specific protocol (pownce://) which launches the app and grabs the
> AccessToken that way.
> I'm probably being dim, but is there a better way to handle this?

Abraham Williams |
Web608 | Community Evangelist |
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