Retweets are indeed showing up in all feeds.

$ curl -s -uxxx:yyy | grep


-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Dec 1, 11:02 am, hansamann <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> it is my understanding that retweets should show up in the Twitter
> Streaming API and especially the 'filter' Stream which I am using. My
> last discussion a few weeks (months) ago with a Twitter Dev confirmed
> that.
> I am using the Twitter4J API which has support for the new new Retweet
> API, still I cannot seem to detect retweets when using the streams.
> Can someone confirm that retweets (and with that I mean the new
> retweet payload) makes it into the streams?
> ----
> I'd also like to know what conventions are used for the backwar-
> compatible text Twitter is using. I saw that statuses which were
> retweeted result in the RT @username <text> in the Status itself which
> is great for backward compatibility. But what happens in case the
> original message was too long? Is twitter making an exception to the
> 140 characters in thsi case or just cutting the message?
> Thanx
> Sven

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