This may seem like a bit of a hack, but they could set up that "separate
twitter account" so that it only follows that set of friends whose tweets it
should be retweeting. Your script could then pull the
statuses/friends_timeline[1] API for that account and use it to retweet
based on hashtags.


On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 20:50, Jeremy Weiss <> wrote:

> A while back I set up a script to retweet posts based on hash tags. A buddy
> saw it and asked if I could set up something similar for him. What he has,
> is a group of people, each with their own twitter account, who want
> everything they post to be retweeted by a separate account they have set
> up.
> After not finding anything in the PHP class I was using that would do this
> I
> started digging through the API. The best I've come up with is the
> 'statuses/user_timeline' but that will only allow me to grab the statuses
> on
> one user at a time. Is there a way to submit multiple users in one call? If
> not, could someone provide a bit of guidance on the best way to cycle
> through a list of users, grabbing each of their statuses?
> Thanks,
> Jeremy

Internets. Serious business.

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