I would recommend add these suggestions to:


On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 05:46, Rich <rhyl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Firstly I use oAuth on my iPhone app because I like the concept but
> there are problems with the oAuth pages using mobile devices, so here
> are my suggestions to make the experience better
> 1) The page simply doesn't lend itself to a 320px wide screen.  How
> about an auto-device detection similar to that used on the
> search.twitter.com site?
> 2) The default button is deny rather than allow... so if you press the
> keyboard 'DONE' button on the iPhone or hit the enter key on your
> keyboard it submits the form with DENY rather than ALLOW.  This is
> very frustrating to ask the user to then go re-send their oAuth
> request because they've just used a keyboard shortcut rather than
> clicked the Allow button.
> What's everyone elses thoughts?

Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist | http://web608.org
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