Hey Bradley,

This is another instance of the the ongoing (and as yet un-answered
sadly) question I have in the mailing list about  my client (which
iirc you're using)

See :
oh and also ( :( )

The bad news is twitter don't seem to want to tell me if I'm wrong, or
they're wrong (I don't care, just want to know what to fix ! :( ) ..
the good news is the work around is to url encode your parameters
before you pass them off to my client ( you won't need to do this with
any other OAuth provider I've yet come across fwiw, but if they come
back and say yes, thats deliberate, yes its different, I'll hardcode
it into the client so you don't need to worry about it *sigh* (or even
better, the client is wrong, we're right and we do it the same as
everyone else..which would be an ideal outcome) )

Take Care
- cj.

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 10:20 PM, bradley.meck <bradley.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a simple oauth client that I use to post status updates
> currently, however, when I added the ability to track statuses with
> the Stream api using OAuth I noticed I could not connect, with
> Unauthorized 401 being the reply to anything I sent it. I looked into
> the documentation and it seems to be a simple request using the same
> OAuth style as the normal api. After searching threads I noticed the
> rate limiting and so I have left my app alone for extended periods of
> time and still I get 401s. I tested against basic auth, and the code
> worked! Mmmmm, that was odd. So unless I am mistaken I am doing
> something wrong, but I am posting to the right url and mirroring my
> basic auth test to no avail. The code is at:
> http://github.com/bmeck/Simple-Bot/blob/master/modules/twitter.js
> the track() function is the boilerplate that is in question
> oa.post is a simple rest wrapper for oauth POST.
> Any help or directions as to where to go from here is much
> appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Bradley
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