I am co-authoring a book about the Twitter API, and I was wondering if
any of you guys wanted to write a chapter.

The book will be in the SAMS 24 hour series, and it's scheduled to be
released mid-next year.

Here is our tentative table of contents:

Introduction to Twitter
An overview of Twitter and Microblogging
Common Types of Twitter Applications
Key Issues to Consider when Developing Twitter Apps
Overview of Twitters's API structure
The API is HTTP-based
The API uses Representational State Transfer (REST)
There are pagination limits
The Twitter API supports UTF-8 encoding
Getting Started with the API
Setting up an environment
Making your first API call
Parsing the reply
Message, date, author, image
Creating a simple display
Setting up an application framework
Creating a twitter Class
Various twitter libraries are available
PHP Class used in this book
Modifing our class
Twitter Error messages
What each error code means
Modifing our twitter Class
Passing credentials to twitter
Standard method (HTTP)
Using cookies (create, retrieve, delete)
Sending and Receiving messages from Twitter
Creating a basic twitter client
Sending messages in twitter
Twitter search
Dealing with Twitter downtimes and errors
Twitter Beyond the API
Future of Twitter
Example Applications
Other Mashup Twitter Services
Twitter Etiquette

Ping me directly if you are interested! andrew.ma...@gmail.com

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