Hi all,

I'm glad to announce that Twitter4J 2.0.2 is now available for download.
It'll be available at the Maven central repository in 24 hours.
Until then, you may use the snapshot repository instead.

All applications using prior versions are strongly suggested to migrate to this release in order to take advantage of the gzip compression feature which is twitter.com friendly.

Major features introduced in this release:
- trends API support
Finally Twitter4J supports trends APIs which tells you what is hot in twitter.com.
- gzip support
As of Twitter4J 2.0.2, it interacts with twitter.com using gzip compression method.
No additional configuration, or coding is required.
T4J will start talking to twitter.com in faster and network/ twitter.com friendly manner by just using Twitter4J 2.0.2.

Here's the list of fixes included in Twitter4J 2.0.2.
[TFJ-131] - Use gzip encoding to improve performance and network bandwidth utilization [TFJ-132] - handle http response codes correctly to reduce unnecessary retries
New Feature
[TFJ-120] - include rate limit status in TwitterResponse
[TFJ-123] - support trends methods
[TFJ-124] - support update_profile method
[TFJ-133] - need a way to shutdown async thread gracefully
Yusuke Yamamoto

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