tl;dr: I'm a hobbyist programmer writing an application that passes
data to/from devices using twitter, and was wondering if this would be
a violation of the TOS?

or if you prefer, the longer version:

I'm a hobbyist programmer writing an application. An application that
controls other applications on a host by receiving data sent to
twitter from a remote device such as a cell phone. It's not very far
along, so far the only thing it can do is query the status of uTorrent
at the request of the remote device and return it through direct
messaging, and add torrents passed through a direct message. I was
wondering if this portion would constitute spam?

The application also requires a person to have two accounts, one for
themselves, and one for the application. As a hobbyist programmer I
don't really spread my applications around, just to a few people to
help test them. So far this particular application has only been sent
to one other person. So I was wondering also if this creation of two
accounts would cause issues? If this would cause issues, I could
rewrite the application to only need one account for all it's users,
but this would hinder it's adoption of other applications that don't
support a HTTP interface.

Of course if any of these things would cause any issues I would be
more than willing to discontinue development.

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