I've made part of TwitReport into 3 different programs (well,
"scripts" really) so that they can be more easily used.

"Give two Twitter users, show me how many [and who] follows both of them"

"Given two Twitter users, show me how many [and who] we both follow"

"Given two Twitter users, show me how many [and who] "A" follows who
"B" also follows

           I would probably run the last one twice, once like this:

                      twitter-who-does-a-follow-who-follows-b.sh joe ed

           and once like this

                      twitter-who-does-a-follow-who-follows-b.sh ed joe

1) Each of the scripts takes exactly two arguments, Twitternames (not
including the @)

2) Each will show the names of the people in the results (both 'name'
and 'screen_name' according the API)

3) If you use the '-c' flag as the *first* argument, each will only
report back a 'count' without the names (saves on API hits), for

           twitter-who-does-a-follow-who-follows-b.sh -c joe ed


1) All 3 of those scripts rely on


to transform the Twitter ID #s into actual names.

2) The scripts use curl and the --netrc flag, which means your Twitter
credentials need to be in ~/.netrc like so:

machine twitter.com
        login yourTwitterName
        password seKret

3) id-to-name.sh will now cache results locally, to reduce API hits,
but if you run this on two people with 10s of thousands of overlapping
followers, well, as you know, each (uncached) ID-to-Name conversion is
an API hit.  I've thought about adding a user-configurable
"threshhold" to the scripts to limit the results that it will display,
but haven't done so in these versions.

Just coming up with the lists themselves is pretty easy, about 2 API
hits per script.  It's the conversion from IDs to Names that has the

Anyway, they are offered here in case anyone can make use of them.
Not sure if they would be of interest to anyone else, but since I had
already written them up, I figured might as well share them here.


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