There does not seem to be an issue open for it though a number of people
have talked about it on the list. Go ahead an create a ticket:

On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 11:13, Yusuke Yamamoto <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm now playing with Twitter4J and my test account's lists become
> undeletable.
> The account used for the test is "twit4j".
> And the test case for creating/deleting lists used to pass.
> But suddenly its lists became undeletable both from the Web interface and
> the API, and my test case doesn't pass.
> ?
> Is it a known issue?
> I'm attaching a debug log from Twitter4J.
> The sequence is as follows:
> 1. get the all lists owned by "twit4j"
> 2. delete them all
> 3. create a private list named "api3 is email"
> -> the API returns 403, saying that "A user can only have 20 lists."
> Regards,
> --
> Yusuke Yamamoto
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