I've Googled around a bit, and haven't found anything that talks about
this issue, so I humbly submit my problem to the Twitter wizards.

Here's the problem - when I call the API function
update_profile_image, the upload succeeds, and Twitter returns status
code 200.  If I go to my actual profile image page (http://twitter.com/
account/profile_image/pianoben), the updated image (let's say
"O_RLY.jpg") is present.  However, the rest of my profile still
retains links to the scaled-down version of the former profile image,
i.e. instead of "http://<amazonWS>/o_rly_normal.jpg", everywhere a
profile image is needed still links to "http://<amazonWS>/
old_picture_normal.jpg".  The latter is the URL returned as
profile_image_url when calling /users/show/pianoben.xml.

I'm pretty sure I've got my library code down pat, as the image itself
verifiably uploads - it looks like Twitter is barfing on updating my
user info after the API call completes.  It is worth noting that none
of this happens if I upload an image via the web interface.

Has anyone else encountered this?  What did you do to solve this?  Or
is this a Twitter bug?


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