Alex -

This is a great addition to the API - will make things much easier.

Quick question (and I apologize if this is already documented): do the
followers / friends always come in descending order of when they
friendship/follow was created? In other words will the most recent
follow/friend always be first?

I know the original followers call was ordered in the order in which
the follower joined twitter. Hoping this isn't set up the same way -
it would be nice to basically stop iterating over the list once a
repeat friend/follower is found.

Thanks for the clarification,

On Feb 3, 5:01 pm, Alex Payne <> wrote:
> Happy to announce two new API methods today, delivered in response to
> developer demand for an easier way to keep tabs on users' social graphs.
> The methods, /friends/ids and /followers/ids, return the entire list of
> numeric user IDs for a user's set of followed and following users,
> respectively. Responses to these methods are cached until the user's
> social graph changes. The responses come direct from our denormalized
> list data stores, and should be reasonably fast even for users with a
> large number of followers/follows.
> These new methods are most useful for services that are maintaining a
> cache of user details. If you see a user ID that you don't have cached,
> you'll have to call /users/show to retrieve that user's details. But for
> services with large user bases, or those that simply want to diff a
> user's social graph over time, we hope these methods will come in handy.
> You can find the documentation 
> at
> --
> Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

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