that's a cool feature, I hope if a tweet has a geo info, that can be
shown in web.

On Nov 20, 5:51 am, Raffi Krikorian <> wrote:
> As you may have seen on the Twitter blog [1], geotagging is now  
> available for all users and developers throughout Twitter's APIs.  
> Specific geotagging methods have been added and existing formats  
> expanded to accommodate this rich new information.
> To get started developing with this API and sending geotweets, check out
> Geotweets now carry the geotag whenever available and whenever they  
> appear in our REST, Search, and Streaming APIs.
> Remember, geotagging is disabled by default on users' accounts.  
> Encourage your users to enable it by sending them to their settings  
> page [2].  From that page, a user can turn this feature on by checking  
> the "Enable geotagging" checkbox.  Alternatively, we're also providing  
> a mobile optimized geotagging settings page [3] that you can send them  
> too as well.  As a developer, you can determine whether a user has  
> enabled geotagging by calling the users/show method [4] or in any  
> other <user> element returned by the REST API where a user object  
> shows up -- just look for the geo_enabled flag.
> For more hints on how to use geotagging, check out our Geotagging Best  
> Practices page [5] where we have UX mock-ups, hints on how to best  
> support user privacy, and more.
> We're really excited about this feature!  And more is coming.
> Go get lost.  We'll send help.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> | @raffi

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