Hi guys - my replies are missing too on two of my accounts
(@jamescrowley and @thetecheye).

Got one reply 16h ago, the next one 10 days ago, and the one after
that 141 days ago.

They appear in the search results though :) 

What's up?

On Jul 5, 9:43 am, Naveen Ayyagari <nav...@getsocialscope.com> wrote:
> John it seems to me that people still may be having some issues with
> @replies right now long after 2300UTC.. I have not specifically seen
> any reports for us, but its late and I assume they will start up again
> in the morning if there are still issues.
> http://search.twitter.com/search?q=replies
> Some samples from the past 10 minutes, missing replies, no replies,
> replies from 2009 only...:
> http://twitter.com/cenkbaban/statuses/17777104103http://twitter.com/mindcaster/statuses/17777223601http://twitter.com/phoenixemk/statuses/17777163872http://twitter.com/ak_hepcat/statuses/17777163458http://twitter.com/fredfiigglehorn/statuses/17777065440http://twitter.com/happyBeSacky/statuses/17777057244http://twitter.com/dcorsetto/statuses/17776966516

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