I'm developing a program that sends tweets. I have this piece of code:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Recomendo ");
    sb.append(" no canal "+lblCanal.getText());

    sb.append(" no dia "+date[2]+"/"+date[1]+"/"+date[0]);
    sb.append(" às "+time[0]+"h"+time[1]);

    byte[] defaultStrBytes = sb.toString().getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
    String encodedString = new String(defaultStrBytes, "UTF-8");

But When I send it to tweet I get the "?" symbol or other strage
characters because of the accents like "à" . I've also tried with only

String encodedString = new String(sb.toString().getBytes(),
"UTF-8"); //also tried with ISO-8859-1

Thank you :)

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