I came to the point in my application development, that I need to
start caching profiles. I guess that many of you already doing such
caching and can share some tips from your experience.

Basically what I thought about is to store the cached profiles in a DB
table. What I wasn't sure about is the schema of the table. Thought of
two options:
1. store the user_id, screenname and created_at/updated_at fields (to
know where to get newer copy) and to store the rest of the fields as
JSON in a blob/text field.
Pros: no need to update structure whenever the API updates.
Cons: can't do interesting aggregations on the profiles.
2. create the table schema to be same as the fields the Twitter API
returns (+ created_at/updated_at).
Pros: can do interesting aggregations, can set indexes on key fields
(although I will usually retrieve by user_id/screename)
Cons: will have to update the schema each time the API updates, need
to create a lot of fields in the DB :)

Any other cons/pros I need to consider? Any other suggestions?

Thanks !
Arik (@arikfr)

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