I'm storing access_tokens for a number of users in my application.
When I switch from one account to another for management, I run a
background AJAX request on account/verify_credentials to determine if
the active user is geo enabled (parameter geo_enabled).  If the user
isn't geo enabled, I open a lightbox asking them if they'd like to
turn on location. I then fire off a redirect to /account/geo if they
clicked "yes" so they can enable location.

The problem, at this point, is that the user may be logged into
Twitter with a different account. Is there any way for me to do some
trickery to switch the logged in user on twitter (i.e. you allow
force_login on authentication) to ensure they're logged in as the
proper user? Perhaps even some handling to determine the currently
logged in user and check if it matches the access_token user?

The current handling poses a very big drawback to this beautiful geo
page when managing multiple accounts. I need a way of ensuring that /
account/geo pertains to the proper user (and not some other managed
user account).

Any help, solutions, workarounds, or suggestions would be much

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