Hi there,

I just found a problem with rate limit count. A few days ago, my app
(Mitter) started getting weird "always 100 remaining requests
available" all the time. At the time I ignored that.

Today I was trying to get the X-RateLimit-Remaining header and there
was no way to find out why I was not receiving it. Then it clicked:

I added the "since_id" parameter but, due the way Python "urllib2"
module behaves, adding it in the body makes a POST request instead of
GET. Getting /statuses/friends_timeline.json works fine this way but,
because it's a POST, it doesn't count to the limit and the response,
also fine, doesn't return the X-RateLimit-Remaining.

If possible, I'd suggest to keep things this way, but add the
X-RateLimit-Remaining on EVERY request (as it says in the issue) and
count every request unless the url is "/statuses/update".

PS: Before anyone says anything, I found that in the development
trunk; the "exploit" is not in the wild yet.

Julio Biason <julio.bia...@gmail.com>
Twitter: http://twitter.com/juliobiason

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