On Jan 11, 11:50 am, John Kalucki <j...@twitter.com> wrote:
> We're not ready to fully support desktop clients on the Streaming API.
> Connection counts, permissions issues to protected statuses, OAuth, etc,
> still need to be addressed. At the moment, we're trying to move services
> over where possible. Desktop client experimentation is fine, but full
> support for desktop clients from our end isn't practical yet.

At this point, I'm testing "sample" but not "filter". But if I'm going
to lose tweets by using Search rather than filter, I guess I need to
be testing with filter.
> Both Search and Streaming discard all statuses from low-quality users.
> Search additionally filters the remaining statuses for relevance and ranking
> purposes. This may be hard to see now, unless you cross-reference the
> Streaming results, but this divergence will soon accelerate and become more
> obvious.

Do I need to be monitoring this? Via a desktop, since I don't have a
server business case? ;-) One change I'd love to see in the search API
would be removal of verbatim retweets. If Bob makes a statement, why
should Carol and Ted and Alice show up when I search for it? ;-)

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