
I think the documentation is clear, but then again, I wrote it, so I'm
the worst judge of clarity in this case.

The number is the cumulative count of statuses that matched your
predicate but were not delivered to you. If this number is high and or
rapidly increasing, it is an indication that your predicate is too
broad, and you should consider a predicate with higher selectivity.
Alternatively, you can apply for higher levels of track access that
allow a higher proportion of statuses to be delivered.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Aug 21, 12:49 pm, Alex Popescu
<> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am currently testing a library for using the track API in order to
> make sure that I'm following all the rules exposed on the docs. While
> running against the real API I have noticed sporadic messages in the
> form:
> {"limit":{"track":121564}}
> According to the docs:
> [q]Track streams may also contain limitation notices, where the
> integer track is an enumeration of statuses that matched the track
> predicate but were administratively limited. [/q]
> I am not very sure that I'm correctly interpreting the above text as:
> 1. the "track" value seems to always be a single value
> 2. the "track" value seems to be growing in time
> 3. the "track" value doesn't seem to be a twitter message id
> Could you please clarify a bit the meaning of these messages?
> Many thanks in advance,
> ./alex
> PS: I've asked John (@jkalucki) about this and while I've got an
> answer from him (thanks a bunch John), I'm still not sure I'm getting
> it.

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