You don't specify what language you're using but you should check to
make sure that it's oAuth string encoding call encodes all the
necessary characters.

For example, when writing an oAuth library for JavaScript I used:


However encodeURIComponent does not encode the characters !, *, ',
(, ) properly for oAuth.

So I end up using something like this for my encode string call:

return encodeURIComponent(the_string).replace(/\!/g, "%21").replace(/
\*/g, "%2A").replace(/'/g, "%27").replace(/\(/g, "%28").replace(/\)/g,

On Jul 28, 8:08 am, manjusg <> wrote:
> Hi ,
>  i tried to send the tweet message containing the character '*'. but
> it responds with "invalid signatture". issue is same for this
> character '`' also.

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