I'm confused about how twitter handles rate limiting.

I've got myself whitelisted so I can do 20000 requests per hour,
however whenever I try to use statuses/show, I am limited to 150.
I've written a little app to try and figure this out.  The output is
below.  You can see that my rate is 20000 and that decrements when I
make a request to another API (followers/ids in this case).  However
there seems to be a separate counter for statuses/show because a call
to that does not decement my rate limit and if I do alot of requests I
can only get up to 150 before reaching the limit!

Am I missing something here?

- Checking Rate limitations - Hourly limit - 20000, Remaining - 19997
Doing something that will count as a request (followers/ids).....Done
- Checking Rate limitations - Hourly limit - 20000, Remaining - 19996
Retrieving a tweet using statuses/show.....Done
- Checking Rate limitations - Hourly limit - 20000, Remaining - 19996

Doing alot of showStatusRequests...
- twitter4j.TwitterException: 400:The request was invalid.
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <hash>
-   <request>/statuses/show/2000000000.xml</request>
-   <error>Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150
requests per hour.</error>
- </hash>

Completed 140 showStatusRequests...
- Checking Rate limitations - Hourly limit - 20000, Remaining - 19996

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