Uniqlo created a (web?) app that allows people to enter a contest or get a
discount by tweeting a message from their account; see [1]. (It also seems
like they’re not using OAuth as the tweets are “via API,” but that’s not
why I’m writing.) So many people are entering the contest that “UNIQLO
LUCKY LINEに行列” has been the top trending topic for the last couple of

I am curious about the future of this kind of marketing campaign. I have had
people contact me about creating these kinds of apps-not so much “tweet to
win” but “tweet to get a discount.” Are they going to be allowed
indefinitely? Is it acceptable for stores to set up a kiosk at the cash
register for users to sign into, in order to send a (pre-written) from their
account? Are there any guidelines at all?

Personally, I find these kinds of campaigns extremely annoying because they
turn my friends into spammers. But, it seems like they are not excluded from
even the new ToS.




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