
Is this useragent actually from Twitter (Twitterbot/0.1)? - - [15/Jun/2010:17:36:29 +0900] "HEAD /support/signup/
null.html HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "Twitterbot/0.1"

I found a post saying it is probably in Twitter's IPs range.

I made a dummy page and tweeted it just once and noticed that the bot
has two hits with the same timestamp.  In other words two HEAD
requests at practically the same time.  Heard from another developer
that it his site was hit many more times.  I'm guessing this might be
related to the duplicate tweet posting issue today.

It would be nice to have a contact URL or email address in the user
agent when there are issues like this.  (a url with info that explains
the bot and policy is probably best practice so people know who owns
the bot.)

- Steve

Stephen Rife
DIgital Garage

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