It would be nice if the[friends|followers]/ids.format
uri's could return a bit more useful info like the screen_name. I'm
new to using the api but my understanding of how to do this would be
to have to make 1 call to the graph method and then iterate over each
id and call but overhead of
doing that grows exponentially with the number of friends/followers a
user has.  Esp. when all I want is the screen_name. The show method
packs quite a bit of data for each user.

What is the best way to accomplish getting a list a given users
friends names while pulling the least amount of data?

A suggestion might be[friends|followers]/ids/{screen_name}.format?incl=
screen_name,other_attribute,some_other_attribute where the default the
response is just returns the ids and when requested via some comma
delimited param, adds a limited and predefined list of available
attributes that can be pulled or an error status of that list contains
attributes not available.

I realize this would break the semantic of the method's name, 'ids',
but maybe it could be encoded in element attributes{screen_name}.xml?incl= screen_name
might yield

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <id screen_name="foo">1</id>
 <id screen_name="bar">2</id>

I'm not sure how that would be rendered as json

Currently is this just [1,2,3,4] which packs a very lite payload
maybe [{id:1,screen_name:'foo;},{id:2,screen_name:'bar'}]

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