Has anyone else noticed a change in the way that the 140 character
limit is enforced via the API? I noticed a change sometime between the
13th and the 16th that is now causing all my 140+ character posts to
be rejected by the API. As of the 13th and earlier if I posted a 140+
character message to twitter, the urls would be truncated using
bit.ly, and then if they were still over 140 characters an ellipsis
would be added to the end of the message, and by clicking on the
ellipsis you could see the entirety on the message. I have a service
that posts to twitter, and in the messages it contains links.  My
service aims to be under 140 characters once the url(s) are shortened
by twitter, however none of my posts are going through now.

Also a side note is that the api is not returning errors, they return
proper responses however they are the proper response for the current
status of the account, not the new status that was just attempted to
be posted.

I am using C# and the Twitterizer API. Has anyone else noticed this,
is it a permanent change? a mistake? I am currently trying to learn
more about why this happened and what my proper response should be.

Thank you

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