Re: [twitter-dev] api: anyone manage to get it working?

2011-02-25 Thread Seth Delackner
I have done some more digging around (WireShark is amazing!) and I have gotten past a big initial hurdle: I was building the signature base string wrong (building it, then setting more parameters, which should have been part of the base string in the first place). As a sanity check, at this point m

Re: [twitter-dev] api: anyone manage to get it working?

2011-02-25 Thread Seth Delackner
Some more debug output for completeness: Since this is multipart form data, the oauth signature base string would be just httpMethod + "&" + url_encode( base_uri ) + "&" + sorted_query_params.each { | k, v | url_encode ( k ) + "%3D" + url_encode ( v ) }.join("%26") where the p