On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 12:25 AM, <
> wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/topics
>    - Way to use JSON offline? <#1277de4e9cb14ef3_group_thread_0> [2
>    Updates]
>    - streaming api <#1277de4e9cb14ef3_group_thread_1> [3 Updates]
>    - Twitter Search: The page you were looking for doesn't 
> exist.<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_group_thread_2>[2 Updates]
>    - Introduce yourself! <#1277de4e9cb14ef3_group_thread_3> [1 Update]
>    - Most popular tweets in the search 
> API<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_group_thread_4>[4 Updates]
>    - Geolocation revisited <#1277de4e9cb14ef3_group_thread_5> [1 Update]
>    - 403 on statuses longer than 140 
> characters<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_group_thread_6>[1 Update]
>    - since_id to old and some way to detect new 
> id<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_group_thread_7>[1 Update]
>    - Scheduling send times for tweets <#1277de4e9cb14ef3_group_thread_8>[1 
> Update]
>    - translation in twitter <#1277de4e9cb14ef3_group_thread_9> [1 Update]
>   Topic: Way to use JSON 
> offline?<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/f1ad2a09d1597613>
>    Cassidy <cassc...@gmail.com> Mar 20 10:20AM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    Anyone know a way to just use a local JSON file, taken from a twitter
>    API call, to test an app with in PHP? Right now I'm testing with
>    actual calls to the API, but I don't want to have to keep 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/37d5f6c72e2e52f3>
>    Andrew Badera <and...@badera.us> Mar 20 02:08PM -0400 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    Read up on the concept of "mocking."
>    ∞ Andy Badera
>    ∞ +1 518-641-1280 Google Voice
>    ∞ This email is: [ ] bloggable [x] ask first [ ] private
>    ∞ Google me: 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/6848dfdfb608059e>
>   Topic: streaming 
> api<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/233a38e70c155b4a>
>    rizwan khann <hadiyatk...@gmail.com> Mar 20 03:01AM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    Hi
>    i run this code but it just give me 100 status whose
>    track "twitter" word
>    but it not work as a stream...and not continue update for real time.
>    plz tell me which method use to continue stream 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/82c44ec9abbf90f3>
>    John Kalucki <j...@twitter.com> Mar 20 08:52AM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    Perhaps the 10.Seconds() and Take(100) functions are limiting your
>    output?
>    It seems that this framework is perhaps not streaming, but assuming a
>    finite
>    response size? I'd ask on the TweetSharp dev 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/7ef4976272aa22f9>
>    Michael Steuer <mste...@gmail.com> Mar 20 08:56AM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    I'm not familiar with your library but by just looking at the snippet
>    you see
>    > .For(10.Seconds()).Take(100)
>    I'd imagine if instead of 10 seconds you'd pass 10 years and instead
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/158cbda847bdceb7>
>   Topic: Twitter Search: The page you were looking for doesn't 
> exist.<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/301f3c9bbdd72e7>
>    Chung Han Lau <arbuquerq...@gmail.com> Mar 20 06:22AM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    thank you. this is the search string i'm using:
> http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=from:gp04lch&rpp=5000&since_id=0&callback=?&rpp=20
>    i went through the API and noticed it states that results 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/7af61b91e3bd6604>
>    John Kalucki <j...@twitter.com> Mar 20 08:49AM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    The current search corpus duration is limited to about 7 to 14 days.
>    The
>    search team is working on increasing the duration.
>    -John Kalucki
>    http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>    Infrastructure, Twitter Inc. 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/5b53f80891e2b08c>
>   Topic: Introduce 
> yourself!<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/d6bd8f0a9b242717>
>    Craig Hughes <h...@mac.com> Mar 20 04:32AM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    Hello,
>    I am Craig Hughes, a Graphic Designer and Web Developer based in Wales
>    (UK). I speak fluent Photoshop, Fireworks and Illustrator and build
>    my web projects using PHP, jQuery, Javascript 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/afd53452661ee21f>
>   Topic: Most popular tweets in the search 
> API<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/983086ae9935d50c>
>    Jaanus <jaa...@gmail.com> Mar 19 05:19PM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    +1 to Cameron and funkatron. Making this default, even with a
>    transition period, would be extremely bad practice. The whole point of
>    API versioning is such that old stuff does not break. And yes, 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/c9ef15affeb06dcb>
>    Martin Dudek <goosegoesgro...@gmail.com> Mar 19 05:43PM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    +1 for asking for keeping the default as it is right now (should be
>    clear really strange to even discuss this)
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/1daadb47c9ea6a65>
>    S Wang <shuanw...@gmail.com> Mar 19 06:33PM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    As someone who's developing some applications right now specifically
>    involving the search APIs I now have to worry about whether or not I
>    should pre-emptively include the result_type parameter so my 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/d2852bda46ad344e>
>    Nigel Legg <nigel.l...@gmail.com> Mar 20 09:19AM 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    Agreed - default sould be recentness, popularity - however it is
>    defined -
>    and we could go into a long sidetrack on that which has nothing to do
>    with
>    the api, apart from to just say that different 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/8557d850e3b26b29>
>   Topic: Geolocation 
> revisited<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/df4c8637fd24c39c>
>    Ken <k...@cimas.ch> Mar 20 04:57AM -0700 ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    When geolocation was first introduced we launched an app that was a
>    very simple mashup of Google maps and Twitter, enabling users to
>    attach a location of their choosing - not necessarily their 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/38072040af2323a4>
>   Topic: 403 on statuses longer than 140 
> characters<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/b39ca0ed8fe3d673>
>    Andy Freeman <ana...@earthlink.net> Mar 19 11:08PM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    I don't suppose that the API documentation will be updated and made
>    complete....
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/6564e32f29767046>
>   Topic: since_id to old and some way to detect new 
> id<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/d50291476ac1f7b0>
>    NetOak <net...@gmail.com> Mar 19 03:35PM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    Sorry this is the url without spaces scaped
>    http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q="imente com" -"huubs
>    verdienst" -"steven huubs" -"marc mateu gardey" -"marc mateu alsina"
>    -"v imente com" 
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/e26b5b2a66b2b27c>
>   Topic: Scheduling send times for 
> tweets<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/285bf28b514f4ab0>
>    paul candelaria <canpau...@gmail.com> Mar 19 05:48PM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    go to your calendar do it on that it mit work ,
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/e87c048825f31225>
>   Topic: translation in 
> twitter<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/67ce11d9c3d8af5e>
>    paul candelaria <canpau...@gmail.com> Mar 19 05:45PM -0700 
> ^<#1277de4e9cb14ef3_digest_top>
>    i dont know,sorrie if u find out e-mail me
>    ok.candelaria.pa...@gmail.com
> more...<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/4d3b00954281fb4>
>  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to twitter-development-talk+
> unsubscribegooglegroups.com or reply to this email with the words "REMOVE
> ME" as the subject.

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