Matt, what happened to the mobile version of these new OAuth screens?
Is there no mobile version at all?

There used to be automatic mobile detection (based on user agent) and
rendering of mobile friendly screens:

This all stopped working when you rolled out the new OAuth screens.
There seems to be only one version. The new screens work OK on most
touch phones, but are unusable in feature phones and most non-touch
smartphones with smaller displays:
* The new screens are actually too heavy for a lot of basic mobile
browsers and end up crashing them (for starters, most of our Nokia
phones crash)
* Other phones simply can't scroll or click on the buttons as the
browser gets incredibly slow or freezes (older Samsung, LG phones)
* On the phones where the browser doesn't crash or freeze, the user
can't even see most of the text/info about the app (which was the
whole point of the new screens)

If there a way to get a mobile version of this page? Any workaround?
Any way to get the old mobile screens at least temporarily? Or can you
_really_ simplify the OAuth screens so that they work with very basic
mobile browsers. We have a lot of angry users that paid for one of our
twitter apps and now can't sign-in because of your new OAuth screens.

Not everyone is using iPhone/Android in this world. Please tell us
that there is a way for feature phones to use OAuth.

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