How long has it been since Twitter started their own url
shortener? Not sure, but I don't think it's been long enough to
shorten over 3.5 trillion urls.

Well, I just noticed that the the url "shortened" by was

So the value is 5ywZYau
>From what I understand the shorteners work this way (at least this is
the most effecient way in order to create as short a url as possible):
First you create a new record for url and get the next available
numeric id, usually auto increment. Then you use base62 encoding to
convert this integer into a string. The result is that you get the
shortest possible value consisting of lower and upper case english
letters plus 10 numbers, thus a total of 62 chars are used.

The number of chars needed to represent a value is 62 x 62 x 62,
etc... so the 7 chars-long base 62 string can represent a number over
13 digits long.

Ok, so is it really possible for this service to already shorten over
a trillion urls? I don't think so. which only means that you are not
doing your best to make the shortest possible url. What's the point of
registering a one-letter top level domain, going through all the
trouble of creating your own service and then not really doing your
absolute best to make sure urls are as short as possible. I mean, you
could have probably still be using 4, maybe 5 - chars long codes
instead of 7, saving potential customers 2 or 3 valuable characters

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