I found this problem while i was trying to add and delete some
favorites to my acocunt and the response was always "NOT FOUND"....

Below is a var dump of  the result when searching "google"....
If you have a look you will see on each status the propery ["id"]=>
It's really strange because it's the only value that is repeat in all
the results

Anyone experienced the same problem?
Thanks in advance...

Bruno Barbieri

object(stdClass)#6 (10) { ["profile_image_url"]=>  string(66) "http://
androidnew_normal.jpg" ["created_at"]=>  string(31) "Wed, 17 Mar 2010
05:23:25 +0000" ["from_user"]=>  string(12)
"News4Android" ["to_user_id"]=>  NULL ["text"]=>  string(139) "From
News/Blogs: Motorola BackFlip vs. Motorola Cliq vs. Google Nexus One
vs ...: The Google Phone, AKA Ne... http://bit.ly/d5j7NG
#android" ["id"]=>  int(2147483647) ["from_user_id"]=>  int(72340308)
["geo"]=>  NULL ["iso_language_code"]=>  string(2) "en" ["source"]=>
string(95) "<a href="http://twitterfeed.com";
rel="nofollow">twitterfeed</a>" }

object(stdClass)#7 (11) { ["profile_image_url"]=>  string(71) "http://
MikeLovatosmall_normal.jpg" ["created_at"]=>  string(31) "Wed, 17 Mar
2010 05:23:23 +0000" ["from_user"]=>  string(10)
"mikelovato" ["to_user_id"]=>  int(39256) ["text"]=>  string(100)
"@mikekell is it partially closed because of the construction? google
maps traffic shows it horrible" ["id"]=>  int(2147483647)
["from_user_id"]=>  int(22971) ["to_user"]=>  string(8)
"mikekell" ["geo"]=>  NULL ["iso_language_code"]=>  string(2)
"en" ["source"]=>  string(95) "<a href="http://www.tweetdeck.com";
rel="nofollow">TweetDeck</a>" }

object(stdClass)#8 (10) { ["profile_image_url"]=>  string(66) "http://
androidnew_normal.jpg" ["created_at"]=>  string(31) "Wed, 17 Mar 2010
05:23:23 +0000" ["from_user"]=>  string(12)
"News4Android" ["to_user_id"]=>  NULL ["text"]=>  string(139) "From
News/Blogs: HTC Google Nexus One: Dear everyone calling the Nexus One
a flop ...: ne-vs-Google-Nexus-... http://bit.ly/d8XOxt
#android" ["id"]=>  int(2147483647) ["from_user_id"]=>  int(72340308)
["geo"]=>  NULL ["iso_language_code"]=>  string(2) "en" ["source"]=>
string(95) "<a href="http://twitterfeed.com";
rel="nofollow">twitterfeed</a>" }

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