Search API can return only 1500 recent tweets. Real pain is you have
to poll the API 15 times (rpp=100)

Look into the Streaming API. There are lower access levels which can
give you certain proportion of tweets.

But for getting all tweets, you will require Firehose access level.

Remember, you will have keep listening to the Streaming server for 30
seconds, inorder to receive tweets posted during that period.

On Sep 9, 10:18 pm, Jim Goodling <> wrote:
> I'm trying to get a list of all the users who tweeted in the last 30
> seconds. Currently I'm using the seach api with since= <today> and
> result_type=recent subsetting on result on my server and then calling
> the users api. Is there any way I can specify a datetime on the
> since=?  Is there a better way to get a list of all the users who
> tweeted in the last 30 seconds?

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