[twitter-dev] Re: Private account

2010-02-15 Thread niel
Nevermind. Figured it out. The code works now.

[twitter-dev] Re: Private account

2010-02-15 Thread niel
I figured out how to implement Abraham's OAuth code. I added this to
my callback page, but nothing shows up:

$to = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret,
$oauth_access_token, $oauth_access_secret);
$content = $to->OAuthRequest('https://twitter.com/statuses/
user_timeline.xml?', array('screen_name'=>"username"), 'GET');
$user = simplexml_load_string($content);

if ($user->screen_name!='') {
echo '';
echo '';

} else {
if ($user->error!='')
{ echo 'ERROR: '.$user->error.''; }


Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

[twitter-dev] Re: Private account

2010-02-14 Thread niel
Thanks for the quick reply guys.

Having all the employees follow the boss is not an option since not
all employees want a twitter account.
Zac, Twitter was the CEOs choice of messaging. I have very little say
in what he chooses. So, I am not sure if he is open to Yammer. I will
check it out though.
Raffi, can you elaborate on how to implement your suggestion. I
implemented Abraham's OAuth code, but I think Twitter only approves
websites on the internet not on a private network, because when I ran
the code and allowed access twitter did not return with a custom
