Seems like I'm pretty close with at least getting an error back from

I'm taking the X-Auth-Service-Provider and setting it as CURLOPT_URL.
and taking the X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization from the header and
trying to set that as the CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER.

Doesn't appear to work.  Does it need to be sent as a

On Jun 14, 1:33 pm, YCBM <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Looking to use Abraham's twitteroauth lib on our site which is already
> converted to oAuth for web-based login.
> We have an open API that other apps (consumers -- if i understand that
> correctly) will be posting to using oAuth Echo.
> Are there any sample PHP code that I can take a look at in which the
> PHP script receives the post from the consumer and takes the header
> stuff to verify the user on Twitter?  Specifically in the oAuth Echo
> flow?
> I created a PHP script to simulate the consumer post to me which
> includes the oauth_consumer_key, oauth_signature_method, oauth_token,
> oauth_timestamp, oauth_nonce, oauth_version, oauth_signature, X-Auth-
> Service-Provider, X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization and the signing
> URL.
> Once I post these to my PHP script, not quite sure what to do to
> verify the user.  Perhaps I can use the twitteroauth and just fill in
> some blanks?  Sample code will be extremely helpful.
> Thanks in advance.
> Y

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