we're moving forward :)

On 6 Nov., 15:19, John Kalucki <> wrote:
> Nobody knows when it will happen, but it should happen soon. We've
> been working on operational, monitoring and capacity issues to make
> the transition. The majority of the issues are settled, so we're
> getting close.
> In the mean time, however, there is a lot of monitoring and
> operational infrastructure already in place, and, so far, the
> Streaming API has been a very reliable and low latency service. If you
> are planning a service-to-service integration, you should just move
> forward with your plans. If you are planning a Twitter-to-many-clients
> system, you must first discuss your plans with us.
> -John Kalucki
> Services, Twitter Inc.
> On Nov 6, 1:45 am, Christian <> wrote:
> > does anybody know when the twitter streaming API will leave alpha
> > status?

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