Thanks Abraham, that worked!

On Mar 17, 12:12 am, Abraham Williams <> wrote:
> $mentions_decode should be an array. Try something like
> foreach ($mentions_decode as $status) {
>   echo "@" . $status->user->screen_name . " just mentioned me";
> }
> Abraham
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 20:01, Cassidy <> wrote:
> > Like many others who post on these type of boards, I'm going to first
> > mention that I'm a newb.
> > Note: I'm using the PHP library TwtterLibPHP (
> > twitterlibphp)
> > I'm trying to pull out various pieces of information (in this case the
> > user name) using the status/mentions method in the json format and
> > while it works, it keeps giving me the followin g notice:
> > "Notice: Undefined index: screen_name in /opt/lampp/htdocs/xampp/
> > twitter/index.php on line 18"
> > I searched online for an answer, some mentioned to just hide the
> > notice, but that doesn't really fix it...anybody have an idea to
> > resolve this?
> > Thanks,
> > Cassidy
> > Here is my code snippet:
> > <?php
> > require_once('twitlib/twitter.lib.php');
> > $username = 'theusername';
> > $password = 'thepassword';
> > $twitter = new Twitter($username, $password);
> > $mentions = $twitter->getMentions(array('page'=>1), 'json');
> > $mentions_decode = json_decode($mentions);
> > echo "@" . $mentions_decode['screen_name'] . " just mentioned me"; \
> > \The line giving me the notice
> > ?>
> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |
> TwitterOAuth |
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

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