My FireBug shows that it is pulling the most recent tweets from the
Search API, but the page itself is not displaying them if there are
new tweets. Also, the livetwitter jquery pluging or whatever is
driving it is not using the since_id parameter... so it might "upset"
the search team when it is pulling unnecessary tweets every 10 seconds
or so.

Since the tweets are being pulled by the browser, the rate-limit is
dependent upon the IP of the user loading the page. This opens up a
whole can of reasons as to why certain individuals might be able to
see updates compared to others... it all depends on their network
setup and access.

I know of a very nice twitter search widget that plays nice with the
Search API, but since I am speaking officially, I'm sure I can't
mention it here :)


On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Rodney <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm currently in New Orleans attending a tradeshow (SGIA) and I setup
> a site that would stream live tweets from people talking about the
> tradeshow at
> It used to show the latest posts pretty quickly after they were
> posted, but when I look at the site now, I don't see the tweets
> streaming that are showing up in the actual Twitter search that match
> the search term (SGIA)
> The site is powered by a simple wordpress theme that uses javascript
> to pull a search query.
> Is there anyway to see if it's been rate limited and to have that
> limit removed so people can see what's happening at the show?
> Thanks for any information you can provide.
> --Rodney

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