
Note: For backwards compatibility reasons, retweets are stripped out
of the user_timeline when calling in XML or JSON (they appear with
'RT' in RSS and Atom). If you'd like them included, you can merge them
in from statuses retweeted_by_me. (

On Feb 2, 7:15 am, Horse <> wrote:
> For some reason when I request myuser_timelineit is only returning 7
> results. Also if I use count to try and get 1 or 2 results it doesnt
> show any. I definitely have more than 7 tweets, so can someone point
> me in the right direction?
> Also on my personal account it returns 18
> Is it doing something strange with the RT's, as it could be extracting
> them from the 20 but not actually showing a full 20 results.
> Bit confused, can someone confirm?

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