I've noticed that for certain profiles, the number of tweets count is
incorrect when you request a profile with include_entities=true

Is this a bug in the API or should I expect the counts to be

I've included examples of the two responses below. Regularly, the API
returns statuses_count: 9729 (which matches the count on twitter.com)
but when include_entities=true it returns statuses_count: 3468

following: false
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description: "Hacker and entrepreneur with a knack for being awesome.
Opinions do not represent that of any of my past/current affiliations
(both informal and professional)."
-status: {
text: "RT @sacca: The initial use case for a product should be no more
complex than "press play"."
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mt=12" rel="nofollow">Twitter for Mac</a>"
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created_at: "Tue Feb 08 20:29:10 +0000 2011"
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-retweeted_status: {
text: "The initial use case for a product should be no more complex
than "press play"."
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source: "<a href="http://twitter.com/"; rel="nofollow">Twitter for
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created_at: "Tue Feb 08 19:50:24 +0000 2011"
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time_zone: "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"
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created_at: "Fri Oct 30 13:45:12 +0000 2009"
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name: "chronic"
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id: 86315276
utc_offset: -18000
profile_background_color: "C0DEED"

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friends_count: 396
description: "Hacker and entrepreneur with a knack for being awesome.
Opinions do not represent that of any of my past/current affiliations
(both informal and professional)."
-status: {
in_reply_to_status_id_str: null
text: "RT @comex: Only thing: "1984" was an advertisement for a
revolutionary product. This is an advertisement for an imitation of a
revoluti ..."
contributors: null
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in_reply_to_user_id_str: null
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-retweeted_status: {
in_reply_to_status_id_str: null
text: "Only thing: "1984" was an advertisement for a revolutionary
product. This is an advertisement for an imitation of a revolutionary
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created_at: "Mon Feb 07 00:42:09 +0000 2011"
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created_at: "Fri Oct 30 13:45:12 +0000 2009"
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lang: "en"
statuses_count: 3468
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screen_name: "chronic"
name: "chronic"
id: 86315276
notifications: false
profile_use_background_image: true
utc_offset: -18000
followers_count: 13259

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