Hi there,

Hope I'm in the right group for this, sorry if I'm not.

I'm trying to build a little experiemental app using the Twitter API.
As part of this I'm wanting to pull in the information on all my
followers, using:


I'm getting the results fine but I've noticed over the past couple of
days that those followers that are protected are really out of sync.
The one I'm look at just now (my wife) shows up as having her latest
tweet this morning. There is no way she'd leave Twitter for that
long :-) and the results are not the same as what I see in Tweetdeck
or on the Website.

Is anyone else seeing this and / or have any suggestions as to what
I'm doing wrong?

I've also tried statuses/friends and that's giving me that same. Are
there any other methods I could use?

I've raised a bug ticket with Twitter as strangely nobody seems to
have, and now wondering while writing this if maybe it is me that's
got this wrong, lol.

Thanks a lot,

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