Hi there,

I maintain a small unfollower notification tool at <http://
twitdiff.appspot.com/>. It relies on the /followers/ids and /friends/
ids API endpoints in order to track changes. Every 24 hours or so it
compares the content of /followers/ids with its content at the time of
the previous check, and if changed, calls /users/show for each ID that
has been removed from the list.

When /users/show indicates an account has been suspended, the
application reports this as "The following accounts were suspended and
removed from your follower list (they were probably spammers)"

Over the past week or so I've started getting a much larger number of
suspended IDs appearing in /followers/ids and /friends/ids lists. Some
users with large accounts (in one case a user with 36k followers/
friends) are now receiving mails indicating up to 2000 accounts were
suspended, much to their puzzlement.

At last check my own account, davidbelfast had 20 suspended IDs added
to its /followers/ids list, despite the fact I have checked my
followers via Tweetie on a number of occasions in the intervening
period, and noticed no new accounts.

Any idea what's going on? Do you perhaps delay "you have a new
follower!" notification when the new follower is marked as spam, yet
perhaps put it in /followers/ids immediately?


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