Hi folks,

I am just getting started on developing a web application that I wish to
interact with Twitter. Essentially, I want to embed Twitter functionality
into an existing application - so users of the app can authorize the app to
use Twitter on their behalf (via OAuth), and then set up filters to receive
tweets, follow their friends, post updates, etc. I am trying to come up with
some principles to use when designing my application, based on the way the
Twitter APIs appear to work. The application needs to be scalable. I am
wondering if these principles look like good ideas to people who have
already used the APIs in the context of web applications, so any suggestions
or criticisms would be appreciated So with that in mind, here's what I've
come up with.

1. I plan on mostly using the REST API to retrieve data, and cache it to
avoid hitting the rate limits - on the server when necessary (eg, for less
capable web clients that I can't rely on to issue javascript requests to
twitter themselves), and on the web clients whenever possible.
2. I think I should try to offload as much work onto the web clients as
possible - eg, use javascript twitter APIs to retrieve data directly from
Twitter, rather than having the webserver retrieve data from Twitter and
pass it to the client.

Hm. Actually, I think those are the only principles I've really got so far
=). Anyone have other suggestions for me? Do these look reasonable? I
haven't used the Twitter APIs at all so far, other than  a small test
program in Java that just retrieves tweets posted by all of the friends of a
given user. The program uses the Search API to do this, via Twitter4J,


Mike Shea.

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