> It seems grouping and counting, then ranking the topics returned by
> Daily and Weekly trend API does not give the correct top topics shown
> in home page of twitter.com. Can anyone tell me how the "Popular
> topics today" and "Popular topics this week" works in http://twitter.com/?
> i.e. after parsing http://search.twitter.com/trends/daily.json, topics
> are simply counted and ranked. however, the result is about less than
> 50% accurate to what is displayed in the home page. Anyone knows the
> actual algorithm used in the site?

the front page is a curated version.

> I just noticed yesterday that Today and Weekly list no longer have
> hashtag topics? Am I correct on this observation.

yup -  the today and weekly list, on the front page, has had hashtags
stripped out.

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

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